Chocolate Coating Pan

Who does not love to eat food items covered with loads of chocolates? Everyone does. However, buying them on regular basis from the retail outlets can be very expensive. This is the reason, most of the people like to bake such products at their homes. Our offered selection of Chocolate Coating Pan benefits not only the professional bakers, but home cooks to prepare mouth-watering chocolate products for themselves and their loved ones. With this array of pans, coating will be a fun project that can even be done with kids for leisure.

Benefits Of Using Chocolate Coating Pan :-
  • Can also pan fudge and caramel other than chocolate.
  • Effectively coats the chocolate products.
  • Offers high speed of tumbler rotation.
  • a non sticky and durable product.
Product Image (06)

CBY1000 Chocolate coating pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

CBY1000 Chocolate Coating Pan is extensively used in large confectionaries, bakeries, and medicine manufacturing industries as well. It is comprised of a rotating container having a huge diameter of 1000 mm with the rotation speed of 32 revolutions per minute. This instrument is used for polishing and coating of flavors & sugar on toffees, jellies, & candies and chemicals on tablets & pills. It is highly appreciated for its huge production ability of around 50 to 70 kilograms per cycle.

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CBY600 Chocolate coating pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

CBY600 Chocolate Coating Pan is used by food processing, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. It is required for applying a coat of different materials including chocolate, sugar, medicine, and flavors on toffees, candies, nuts, & tablets. This machine consists of a coating container having diameter of 600 mm and a spraying assembly, all made of steel alloy to assure its sturdy & rust proof structure.

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CBY800 Chocolate coating pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

CBY800 Chocolate Coating Pan works on the principle of centrifugal effect which is produced by rotating steel pan having the processing item with continuous spraying of desired liquid. It is utilized for polishing and coating of chocolate or sugar syrup on various confectionery items including jelly, candy, & tablets. This machine has the pan diameter of 800 mm with the capacity to produce around 30 to 40 kilograms of product per batch.

Product Image (07)

CBY1250Chocolate coating pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

CBY1250 Chocolate Coating Pan is used for material mixing, ball shaping, polishing, & coating of chocolate, sugar syrup, & other specially formulated delicious liquids over food items. It consists of a pan which is driven by worm wheel & motor to create centrifugal effect, by which the processing material uniformly gets a layer of poured flavor. This machine is mainly installed in big chocolate processing industries due to its production capacity of up to 150 kilograms per batch cycle.

Product Image (CBY)

Small Chocolate Coating Pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

MODEL Dianmeter
Rotary speed
Motor power
Fan power
Heater power
Shell Size
(L*W*H) mm


CBY200 200 1 46 0.37 750 1.2 500*350*700 36
CBY300 300 2 46 0.37 750 1.2 500*350*700 36

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Product Image (CBY400)

cc Chocolate Coating Pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

MODEL Dianmeter
Rotary speed
Motor power
Fan power
Heater power
CBY400 400 5 46 0.37 0.15 0.75

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Product Image (CBY1250)

CBY300 Chocolate Coating Pan

Price: 1000.00 - 6000.00 USD ($)/Set

CBY300 Chocolate Coating Pan is suitable to be used in candy making, chocolate processing, confectionery item manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and chemical industries. It is an ideal instrument for coating gems, choco balls, pills, tablets, & phenyl balls with specific ingredients including sugar, liquid reagents, & syrups. This machine is comprised of a frame body, worm & screw driving system, a pan made of stainless steel, an electric motor, heater, and control panel.

MODEL Dianmeter
Rotary speed
Motor power
Fan power
Heater power
CBY300 300 2 46 0.37 0.15 0.75

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